Saturday, 21 September 2013
When My Girlfriend Is Mad... xD
Monday, 12 August 2013
Sunday, 11 August 2013
Friday, 9 August 2013
After A Break Up! Reality
When everything is wrong and you just want to cry all night, that's when you know you need to get over that ex. Everyone experiences heartbreaks, but being strong about it is another thing. You can just never let go of that special guy/girl that taught you how to love. When you guys break up, then it happens for a reason. Don't keep calling him/her and talking to them like nothing happened or try to make them love you again. It's not going to work out. It'll just make you seem weak and clingy.
Women's Logic.
Women Logic (also known as “Female Logic”) is a term primarily used by men to describe a range of behaviors and thought processes that would be seen as distinctly feminine. In realms of popular culture, such concept of woman’s logic has been employed as a comedy trope to explain various differences between men and women and sometimes for misogynistic humor. On the web, the trope has been adapted into a variety of image macros and rage comics since early 2011. The concept of women’s logic as having a separate value system unfathomable by men has been explored through romance comedy films, TV shows like Seinfeld (shown below) and many stand up comedians as early as since the 1990s.
I Slept With A Girl? xD
Taking a girl’s v*rg*nity is a popular male fantasy, but if they stopped to consider the reality of the situation, the fantasy might start to look more like a nightmare. It may be an ego boost to imagine being a girl’s first and taking her precious v*rg*nity, bookmarking yourself in the annexes of her mind forever. However, there are aspects of making her a woman that could be less than pleasurable. So, before you unlock that chastity belt, get an idea of what you’re getting yourself into. Here are five reasons not to sleep with a v*rg*n that you should consider before taking the plunge.
Thursday, 8 August 2013
V@gina jokes...!
When it comes to having s*x with a virgin, the potential for her to freak out before, during or after the s*x act is quite high. She may decide at the last minute that she doesn’t want to go through with it or she may feel massively guilty afterward for having done it. Because so much importance is put on her v*rg*n*ty, her first time is bound to be an emotional experience, which means that you might have to deal with panic, sadness, guilt, and other unpleasant reactions. She has probably imagined the event for a long time and wants it to go absolutely perfectly. If even the slightest thing doesn’t go according to plan, it could result in tears and tantrums. If you don’t like watching girls cry, don’t sleep with v*rg*ns. That’s a lot of pressure and that’s why it’s among our five reasons not to sleep with a v*rg*n.
Wrong Caption At Wrong Time
Okay, so lets say someone says the right things in the wrong time, that means they say whats perfect and acceptable just not in times where they are appreciated or noticed or make that much of an impact. So when we say 'i always say the wrong thing at the wrong time" that means that person says the wrong, upsetting thing, but at a time where it doesn't really effect the person, where its not noticed. Otherwise, the right thing to say would be 'i say the wrong thing at the right time' because that means that i say the wrong/upsetting/not acceptable thing in the time its most noticed and effective. I know that the phrase means that for example someones crying because their bf dumped them you go and tell them you're fat. This applies to "i always say the wrong thing at the wrong time" but lets say someones crying because theyre fat and you tell them they are fat. See, that saying the wrong thing at the RIGHT time for what you said.
Wednesday, 7 August 2013
Tuesday, 6 August 2013
Justin Bieber and Selena...! xD
A fan posted a photo of a shirtless Bieber sitting on a couch rubbing Gomez's feet. The picture of the teen power couple was reportedly snapped in Gomez's house. The fan account tweeted, "New jelena pic and is justin rubbing selena's feet? xD." Cue angry fans lashing out at Gomez on Twitter in 3...2...1... Our favorite part of the photo? The hat Bieber is wearing, which reads "OBEY." Clearly, Gomez wears the pants in the relationship.
After $ex...!
After Sex is an couples having conversations after sex.[1] It looks at the complexity of modern day relationships told through eight separate couples. Through dialogue and compromising situations, the film goes from the beginning of a relationship to the aftermath of one, and examines every stage in between.
What’s The Sex Of Your Computer
A computer is a general purpose device that can be programmed to carry out a finite set of arithmetic or logical operations. Since a sequence of operations can be readily changed, the computer can solve more than one kind of problem. Conventionally, a computer consists of at least one processing element, typically a central processing unit (CPU) and some form of memory. The processing element carries out arithmetic and logic operations, and a sequencing and control unit that can change the order of operations based on stored information. Peripheral devices allow information to be retrieved from an external source, and the result of operations saved and retrieved. The first electronic digital computers were developed between 1940 and 1945. Originally they were the size of a large room, consuming as much power as several hundred modern personal computers (PCs).[1] In this era mechanical analog computers were used for military applications. Do the computer have $ex?
$exual Joke...! Super Mario
The player takes on the role of the main protagonist of the series, Mario. Mario's slightly younger brother, Luigi, is only playable by the second player in the game's multiplayer mode, and assumes the same plot role as Mario. The objective is to race through the Mushroom Kingdom, survive the main antagonist Bowser′s forces and save Princess Toadstool.[10] The player moves from the left side of the screen to the right side in order to reach the flag pole at the end of each level. A prevalent rumor that it is possible to jump over the flag pole was later confirmed by Gametrailers.[11] The game world has coins scattered around it for Mario to collect, and special bricks marked with a question mark ("?"), which when hit from below by Mario, may reveal more coins or a special item. Other "secret" (often invisible) bricks may contain more coins or rare items. If the player gains a red and yellow Super Mushroom, Mario grows to double his size and can take one extra hit from most enemies and obstacles, in addition to being able to break bricks above him.
Monday, 5 August 2013
I'm a Barbie Girl :)

It was released in May 1997 as their third single overall, and the first United Kingdom release. The song is included on the album Aquarium and was written by Claus Norreen and Søren Nystrøm Rasted after the group saw an exhibit on kitsch culture. The song topped the charts worldwide, particularly in European countries such as the UK, where it was a number-one hit for three weeks. Both the song and its music video feature Lene Nystrøm as Barbie and René Dif as Ken. As such, the lyrics drew the ire of Barbie's corporate owners, and a lawsuit was filed by Mattel. A footnote on the back of the Aquarium CD case precisely stated that "The song 'Barbie Girl' is a social comment and was not created or approved by the makers of the doll.
Sunday, 4 August 2013
A Jealous Girlfriend
The stars have aligned and you’ve found someone who makes your heart go thump-thump-thump. Go you! Everything about your sweetie from the sound of his voice to his gorgeous eyes leave you in Swoon City. But, um, why is he talking to that skank? And, er, who’s the new blonde chick with cheap extensions all up in his Facebook page? Does he really have to be BFFs with a Ke$ha lookalike? Slowwwww dowwn, hot stuff. You are in the JDZ, Jealousy Danger Zone. Luckily, we caught it early and you can inch your way back to the other side of the street (also known as SANITY) when your pride, dignity and sense of self-worth intact. Jealousy can be confusing. We wonder, isn’t it totally natural to feel a twinge of the green monster when you love someone? Well, sure, we all feel a tad obsessive at times regarding the folks we love.
How To Trick Your Mum On Texting
U forgot to wash your plate its there for u. Optus wishes to advise that the message sent on 17/12/12, 21:03 was not delivered. Please try again at a more suitable time or contact customer service for further assistance.
It is important to KNOW beforehand that you will be absent on a certain day. Only a master, such as myself would be able to wake up on Tuesday and decide "I'm not going to school today." You're obviously a beginner, so take it slow. If you want to be absent on Tuesday then you need to warn yourself on Monday. Monday, when you have the thought in your head that you will be absent you need to put your plan into action. You need to create an excuse for being absent. I suggest that you stay in your room the whole night. If you hang out in the living room you will OBVIOUSLY make a mistake, or ruin your plan. If you are in your parents presence they will get tired of just looking at you. Stay in your room all night being really quiet. You only come out of your room twice. The first time you come out of your room do not say anything about feeling ill. Wait at least an hour. Come back out and MENTION that you are feeling bad. Don't say "mom, I'm not feeling well." Don't be too obvious. Say something like "aww my head" in the middle of a sentence. Or choose not to eat dinner because your stomach hurts. Afterwards, mention that you are going to bed early. Then actually go to bed. If your room is close to your parents make sure you wake up in the middle of the night to cough pretty loud. If you're room isn't close then I suggest going to the bathroom closest to you're parents' room. Leave the door open and act like you're trying to make yourself puke. Bathrooms echo, so you're parents are almost guaranteed to work. If you're parents have a restroom in their room use that one, and when you are going back to your room, whether they look awake or not, say "I'm sorry, someone was in the other bathroom." Then slowly go back to your room.
Santa Claus love girls...! xD
Santa Claus, also known as Saint Nicholas, Father Christmas, Kris Kringle (US) and simply "Santa", is a figure with legendary, mythical, historical and folkloric origins who, in many western cultures, is said to bring gifts to the homes of the good children on the night before Christmas, December 24. However in some European countries children receive their presents on St. Nicholas' Day, December 6.[1] The modern figure of Santa Claus was derived from the Dutch figure of Sinterklaas, which, in turn, was part of its basis in hagiographical tales concerning the historical figure of Christian bishop and gift giver Saint Nicholas. During the Christianization of Germanic Europe, this figure may have absorbed elements of the god Odin, who was associated with the pre-Christian midwinter event of Yule and led the Wild Hunt, a ghostly procession through the sky. Santa Claus is generally depicted as a portly, joyous, white-bearded man—sometimes with spectacles—wearing a red coat with white collar and cuffs, white-cuffed red trousers, and black leather belt and boots and carries a bag full of gifts for children. Images of him rarely have a beard with no moustache. This image became popular in the United States and Canada in the 19th century due to the significant influence of Clement Clarke Moore's 1823 poem "A Visit From St. Nicholas" and of caricaturist and political cartoonist Thomas Nast.[2][3][4] This image has been maintained and reinforced through song, radio, television, children's books and films.
$exual Joke 1
Q: What did the hurricane say to the coconut palm tree? A: Hold on to your nuts, this is no ordinary blow job! Q: Whats a condom and a coffin got in common? A: They both hold stiffs but one is cumin and one is going! Q: When is a man most intelligent, before, after or during sex? A: During sex cuz he's plugged up to the knowledge source=:) Q: Why do women like to have sex with the lights off? A: They can't stand to see a man have a good time!
Saturday, 3 August 2013
Friday, 2 August 2013
Thursday, 1 August 2013
Saturday, 27 July 2013
Friday, 26 July 2013
Proposal Fail
Her name isn't even close to mine though. Did you send this on purpose to me? Don't worry if you did...!
Dream Boyfriend.
Perfect team, ill stay by your side like Pikachu and ash, and ill love you more than a Level 80 rapidash. You're more legendary than a zapados entei or mew.
Saturday, 8 June 2013
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